Monday, July 27, 2020

Allium cyaneum & Allium sikkimense

Allium cyaneum and sikkimense seem to be frequently mixed up. I originally got my A.sikkimense from seed labelled A.cyaneum and my A.cyaneum from seed labelled A.sikkimense. For me, sikkimense is more robust and starts flowering a little earlier, but right now both are out. The key difference is that in cyaneum the stamens and style stick out and give it a whiskery appearance. They are more hidden for sikkimense.

Both are fairly straightforward from seed and would be fine in a well managed rock garden (which I don't have) or trough. Pots are a bit more of a stretch here as I don't think they like the relatively hot summers we have had here recently.

There is a third species, Allium beesianum which flowers later and is larger. I've only had it this season and it definately didn't like the heat, but hopefully it will recover.

Allium sikkimense

Allium cyaneum

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