This is an old favourite of mine. I first grew it back in the 70s and then when I started growing things again in the 90s it was one of the first alpine house plants I bought. When I bought it originally it was Diosphaera and before that I think it was Trachelium.
Part of me says it can't be a Campanula because every other Campanula in the alpine house has been a martyr to red spider mite and rust.
My plants are looking a bit tatty now, they need cutting back hard after flowering and I'm thinking that I probably didn't cut them back enough over the years. That and they have been in the same pots for perhaps 20 years while the greenhouse has become gradually more shaded.
These pictures are from a few years back when they were still at their peak. Having said that at least one plant at the front of the bench is still quite impressive. Maybe there is scope for better flowering in the future.